Big-Picture your message
Less is more. And leads to more and more
If you want to create effective social media posts, it helps to have a plan.
What I notice again and again is that people want to say everything in one post.
This leads to convoluted posts, emails and websites that nobody wants to read.
Content marketing isn't a one-shot activity. You can spread your ideas out over time!
But you should have the big picture in mind.
Especially coaches have a tendency to want to explain their methodology.
While this has its place, there is a lot of other stuff to cover (as you can see in the image above).
You can download my Visual Minds Method at-a-glance
Focus on one idea per post, and you'll have plenty of ideas for the rest of the year and beyond.
Or use it to structure your business presentation or signature workshop.
If you're using this – I'd love to hear from you and get your feedback.
Happy big-picturing!