Do some skill digging!


What's your almost-forgotten-because-it's-so-ingrained superpower?

It might help with your positioning!

Because in your business, you want to show off your uniqueness.

There are countless wellness coaches, graphic designers, and brand strategists out there.

All of them do good work.

What makes you different?

You have collected superpowers in your past experiences.

😮 Maybe you learned to handle numbers in an unloved job you no longer doing.

🙌 Or when you were DJ'ing in your twenties.

🙃 Or you learned to turn walls of text into neat, readable paragraphs, headlines and subheadlines.

My very long graphic design experience helps me decode and organize information.

This helps me tremendously in my visual coaching, and sketchnoting.

I don't talk much about it because for me, it is "normal".

Boring even.

But it is actually an (invisible) superpower!

*Side note:* I'm so happy that drawing allows me to make the invisible visible, without bragging!

But back to you:

What is the hidden skill that is so ingrained that you almost forgot it is there?