Instant Clarity
Are you confused about your message? Or are you just not aware of your own clarity?
Just this morning, I talked with a wonderful coach who told me that she was confused. Also that she wants to help [insert set of people] because she had struggled with [insert hairy problem] herself.
It was crystal clear: The niche, and the WHY.
But she wasn't aware of it!
When I repeated her words back to her, her face lit up.
"Oh, that sounds good!"
Instant clarity!
But the thing is... in my experience, the fog tends to come back when you're alone with your habitual thoughts.
This is why I made the Mess-to-Message a year-long experience.
After five weeks, you'll have an outline for your
☀️ personal brand
☀️ Compelling story
☀️ Clear message
☀️ Signature offer
I'll post the templates for the outline tomorrow!
Meanwhile, please don't listen to the noisy thoughts telling you you can't do it.
If I could do it, you can, too.
This is why I made the Mess-to-Message a year-long experience.
After five weeks, you'll have an outline for your
- business idea
- story
- message
- signature offer
I'll post the templates for the outline tomorrow!
Let me know if you have more questions.
Meanwhile, please don't listen to the noisy thoughts telling you you can't do it.
If I could do it, you can, too.