Make a point
I was asked the other day how I got started with my business.
It is difficult to define the point where I got started, because it feels more like a long process than one point in time.
Yes, there were milestones, like when I discovered that drawing could be easy.
Or when I posted my first drawing about "staying in the now" in a Facebook group (heart pounding!!!)
It was the first drawing I made not to show the drawing, but to to make a point.
Drawings can help to make a point.
This is the "message first" approach that I teach in Visual Minds. Don't worry so much about if the drawing is pretty.
(And I show you tons of tricks to make it pretty).
When you know what point you want to make, you can draw it, write about it, or make a song about it!
Or all three.
Have a fun-filled weekend!