Merge, don’t choose

Many of us creative people are doing many things, and it would feel too restrictive to choose one of them.

But what if you don't have to choose?

The other day I sketched Megan's business.

She was confused about the three branches of her business. It made communicating her service difficult.

But she didn't want to choose one.

What happens if you try to see the commonalities of the various branches, instead of the differences?

It helps to speak with people who have NO IDEA what you're doing.
(Sometimes, I think my ignorance is my superpower).

To Megan, these were three different things.

To me, it looked like she is healing people by doing whatever it takes: Decluttering, Feng Shui, or Rituals. Her business is holistic.

This is the simplified business model:

Here is what Megan said about our session:

"I felt spread thin with too many services and stressed about how to tie them together with a niche.

Our session was very helpful. You could see something about my business that I couldn’t see (or was resistant to) . Your drawing helped me to also see it so clearly.

I feel a sense of clarity and peace around an issue that has been bothering me for awhile. It wasn’t the problem I was seeking help for initially but you drew it out of me. It was the root. 

Now I am excited to move forward with a better business model!."

Are there areas in your business you think are separate, that you could merge?