Your Flagship

I'm all about communicating clearly. But - you also have to know WHAT you want to communicate clearly! This is something that Donald Miller doesn't talk about. He supposes that everyone knows what they want to offer and that what they are doing, works well.

It is not always that straightforward, though. What do you do if you offer a whole laundry list of services?

Focusing on one "signature" service is a powerful way to brand your business. This flagship service is the thing that you want to do more of. Because it is the most fun, most useful, or most original.

You can still offer everything else, too. But for some time - say, three months - concentrate on your signature thing.

Feature it on your website. Talk about it on social media.


  • If you are a graphic designer, you could put together a "Launch Your Course" Design & Strategy Pack and become the go-to launch expert.
  • If you are a wellness coach, you could offer [yourname] Holistic Habit Transformation"
  • If you are a branding coach, you could invent "Find Your Signature Service " strategy sessions."

If you want to brainstorm your signature service ideas with me – I'm available for brand brainstorm taster sessions! 

And of course also for the big transformational Brand Storyboard experience.

Ingrid "flagship designer"


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