Corona quarantine spring activities

Today’s good things: A few days ago, my son got into a baking-collecting-cooking frenzy. Today we tasted his first homemade rye bread.
- My eldest son Victor started making rye bread from scratch, with sourdough. After a recipe he got from a friend.
- He is 18, and usually never home. Now that schools are closed, he is home again 24/7.
- We collect birch sap every year, and try to cook it into syrup. Usually we get a spoonful out of it (if it doesn’t burn. It burns easily).
This year Victor collected about filled up pot after pot. I don’t know if it was 20 liter. But there was a lot.
He cooked it for days. Now we have a little jar with “black gold”. Tasty on vanilla ice, or with cheese.