Three Things Drawing Club

How are you doing in these weird times? 

Here in our corner of the Danish countryside, things don’t look that much different. The ducks are swimming in the lake, weeds are popping up from the earth, and the sky is blue.

But. There are no plane-trails in the sky. I can’t remember a time in my life without white stripes in the sky. And, as beautiful it is, it is also creepy.

Let’s connect and draw together!

In my last email, I told you about my gratitude practice – draw three things every day. (I’m posting my drawings here on my website.)

I think we all need some kind of practice to keep the spirit up.

So, I have decided that I’ll host free drawing meetings in the time to come. At least once a week.

The first meeting is already tomorrow at 8 PM Danish time (check out your timezone here)

In the meeting I’ll show you how I draw my three things, or I help you draw yours if you are stuck.

You can bring your kids!

Here is an example of the three things I drew yesterday. I’m using a simple format:

I hope to see you tomorrow!

Lots of love
