Are you a yes or a no?
To grow your business YOUR way, you need to be visible.
That means you must publish content to the people you want to reach.
This can feel uncomfortable!
It sounds like this:
- I hate social media. I don't want to work for free for these evil corporations!
- I'm a very private person!
- What, daily? I don't have the time!
I know it all too well from myself! It boils down to:But! Ask yourself:
Does the NO help you to build a business you love?
Try on this reframe:
What if you create content for yourself and those you love working with?
If you treat content creation like public journaling, it is self-care.
The more you create and publish with a YES mindset, the better it feels.
(I just convinced myself to write & draw more. Be prepared to get more emails from me!
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