Create a framework

Do you have a defined process when you are working with clients?

A (visual) framework is Very Useful for communicating what you do.

Especially if what you do is intangible, abstract, and difficult to explain!

Once you have defined your framework, you can...

Give it a name and use it as an asset!

I started with my "Brand Storyboard", showing the customer transformation



As I worked with more clients, I created more templates - like the "Superpower Diagram" or the "Signature Story" framework.

Now I have (finally!) laid my whole LiLL Big Picture Process out that I coach clients through.

These are the puzzle pieces you need to create your brand. Each panel corresponds to a coaching session with me.!


I'll talk about each panel in the future.

But for now, I'm showing them to inspire you to sketch your own framework.


What are steps one, two, and three - and what needs to be in place before you can even go to step one with your customers?

And do you have a name for your process? Invent one! ChatGPT is great for brainstorming.

Having your own process makes it much easier to stand out, and to sell your service.