Email problems
I have a problem! Since Easter, Gmail seems to think that I’m sending junk, and my emails end up in spam folders.
My email problem is solved!
The problem was that the DNS record settings weren’t set up properly. I don’t exactly know what that means, and it wasn’t something that had been a problem before. But around Easter Google decided to change their algorithm. I followed a tutorial I found. If you have similar problems, here are the instructions. I don’t know if you can use them for your system, but maybe they can give you a hint where to look:
” (In Simplero) go to sender emails and check that you under sender domain have 5 or 6 lines verified (there’s a details link if it just says verified). Besides your SPF and DKIM records, there should be 3 lines with CNAME records pointing to sendgrid. If they’re not there, click on add DMARC, and then set the new lines up in your DNS settings for your domain (email hosting provider)” <– helpful quote from Merete Stenner Nielsen in the Simplero FB group.