Gap Filling

As a business owner, you should be looking for a gap.

The gap that prevents your (prospective) clients to reach the next level in their business.

If you can provide the missing piece, you have a potential business. If you can name the gap, you have a business.

If you have a gap-filler for your clients, it is much (much!) easier to "productize" it with a fixed price, than to re-invent the wheel, and write a proposal every time. That could be a course, a book, or just a defined service.

Ideally, YOU are the only person in the world that can fill this specific gap. Maybe because of your expertise, or your personality.

With a "signature product" it becomes much easier to communicate – because you have a defined goal.

What is your "gap filler"?


P.S: Do you need help with figuring out how to package your service, and talk about it? (AKA messaging and branding)
You can:
- contact me to work one-on-one (1800 USD for a tailored program)
- or join the Storyboard your Brand Course. We will work through your branding in five weekly modules in a small group. Starting on February 2nd.
The early bird price until Jan 26, 2021, is 294 USD, after that, it will go up to 397. If you decide to join before Saturday this week, you'll get a 1:1 session with me!
I'd love you to join! (And help you fill the gaps!)