How to talk about your business

Last weekend I drew an illustration.

I posted it yesterday as a visual story in a slideshow on LinkedIn. You can see it here. 

(You're welcome to say hello in the comments. It is always nice to hear from you, and it helps with visibility!)

After one day the post has gotten 19 likes, a few of comments, and 990 views.

This doesn't sound like much.


I connected and chatted with three people because this post had popped up in their feed, and they either discovered or remembered me.

I also got a handful of new connections and profile views.

Maybe one day one of these profile viewers might show up as a client!

"Social media" has gotten a bad rep, but I have no idea how else I could reach 990 people in one day.

*Update since I started writing: 999.


What is your strategy to get clients?


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