London Marketing Retreat

When I read that the wonderful business coach Tad Hargrave offered a 4-day "Marketing for Hippies" retreat in London, I signed up on a whim.

After what felt like years of not leaving the house, it was quite a journey London was big and bustling, and very colorful. (My AirBnb was almost on Brick Lane)

It was very inspiring to be with a group of like-minded people, and having the space and time to think deeply about where to go with my business. We talked a lot about niching. And niching again.

It is important.

I did

a few visual coaching sessions and loved it. This is where I want to go. Out in the world, and teaching and facilitating!

Ok, it is what I'm already doing, on Zoom. But Zoom-only gets boring with time.

Here are a few images from the retreat.