The problem with dementia
Last Tuesday in my drawing workshop we drew "clients with a problem". A participant asked me how to draw "dementia".
Incidentally, I had done that some time ago for dementia care consultant Rachael Wonderlin, MS
Rachael's dementia care programs are for senior residencies. And many groups are involved!
In business communication, the first big puzzle piece that has to be in place is "who is it that you want to communicate to. Families? Residents? Or the director?
If you aren't clear about whom you are speaking to in your business communication - try to draw the involved groups. (You don't have to use watercolour.)
If you want to use drawing more, and/or help with figuring out your messaging and web design, why don't you join us in the Visual Thinking Course & Practice Space? Today at 8 PM CEST - 2 PM EDT I am doing group coaching.
Next week I'll show how to easily draw environments with a few strokes.