Creative compass

Do you have a framework for your business? Here is an idea to get you started. Ask yourself: What two worlds are you bridging with your business?  Identify your main…

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Are you a yes or a no?

To grow your business YOUR way, you need to be visible. That means you must publish content to the people you want to reach. This can feel uncomfortable! It sounds…

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Take the pressure off!

Are you one of the many creative people who would love to draw but never get to the point where they think their work is good enough? That was me…

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Create a framework

Do you have a defined process when you are working with clients? A (visual) framework is Very Useful for communicating what you do. Especially if what you do is intangible,…

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Red thread message hunt

Very useful red-thread messaging map My ears always perk up when I hear about a storytelling or messaging recipe. When I found Tamsen Webster’s “Red thread” storytelling framework, I immediately…

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Vision Sketch Session!

I have long wanted to offer something affordable that gives you a taste of working with me and is fun and useful. Introducing… The Vision Sketch Session! It works like…

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Being an entrepreneur

Here are some reasons why I enjoy being an entrepreneur, and not working for somebody else. But still, I wouldn’t want to change a thing! Because… (see images!) What about…

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3-minutes LiLLustration

How long does it take to find (or generate…) an image to go with your Linkedin post? I bet that doing a little drawing is faster and more fun. Ok,…

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Stop overthinking – by moving fast!

If you give yourself an hour to complete a drawing, it will take an hour. And worse: sometimes it never gets finished, because your brain starts overthinking. What is helpful:…

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The toothache approach to happiness

These drawings are inspired by Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh: When I have a toothache, I discover that not having a toothache is a wonderful thing. I had to have a toothache…

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What is your battle cry?

What I mean by that is a 2-4 word message that you want to repeat over time in 1000 different ways. We did a 2-minute exercise about that in the…

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Pink Spoon for Pain Brain?

The other day, I did a “Superpower Session” with Beth Cox. Beth is a yoga/movement instructor specializing in chronic pain. She helps her clients with specific movements AND the mindset…

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Offer a dance – Dance with your offer

I’ve been reflecting on “making an offer” lately. Back in my graphic design days, when I just relied on word-of-mouth, I didn’t make offers. The word alone made me queasy.…

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Shiny Project Syndrome?

I had a blast sketching live at the Sorø City “Light Festival on Saturday. People were surprised and delighted that there was a real person (me!) drawing, and they could…

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Your Creative Genius Layer

There’s an endless number of layers to ‘you’, but to simplify things, here are three: The ordinary “everyday you”, that takes care of business, reads emails and wipes noses. Your…

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Make a point

I was asked the other day how I got started with my business. It is difficult to define the point where I got started, because it feels more like a…

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How can I make it fun?

Are you struggling with procrastination? Always on a quest to find the best tricks to become more productive? Me too. I started reading Ali Abdaal’s book “Feel Good Productivity”. (Sidenote:…

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Dave Grey’s “School of the Possible”

Dave is a “possibilitarian” and pioneer in visual thinking. After a long and successful career he asked himself “What is the next thing that is possible in my life?” I…

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Headache for Clarity

I see it time and time over with my clients and students: They are great at what they are doing. They have worked a long time to perfect their craft.…

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When to fix and when to draw

Do you know what’s wrong with your business? Maybe nothing is wrong; everything works like gangbusters, and you have a strategy. Congrats! But maybe you want to grow, and you…

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